Tag Archives: burqa

Fashion Bridges Cultures, Staves off Hypothermia

My latest bright idea:

The Down Burqa!

You take the full, Afghan chadri (you know, the kind of burqa that just has a little, net opening to see out of – basically, a tent that your feet stick out the bottom of), and you make it out of the same puffy, down-filled, water-repellent nylon they use for parkas & sleeping bags. Then you line it with thinsulate.

Mmm… toasty! I think it could really catch on. Warmth & concealment (either for devotional or bad-hair purposes) in one tidy package.

The Midwest meets the Middle East.

Hockey mom meets… Imam?

We could make them in all kinds of colors & get L.L. Bean to offer monogramming.

 Start corralling investors. I’ll fire up the sewing machine.

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