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Angels Are the New Vampires… and Illuminati… and Possibly Zombies

I’ve just finished Angelology by Danielle Trussoni and I am very pleasantly surprised. I’m not usually a thriller kind of girl. This intricately imagined novel is plain good fun. Part fantasy, part spy-intrigue and part treasure hunt, it includes a taxonomy of angels (the fallen ones, who are fearsome and generally up to no good), and a life-and-death scavenger hunt through – Oh, I so want to tell you! But it would spoil it.

In case you are dreading one of those hackneyed Epic-Battle-Between-Good-and-Evil books, it’s not one. Sure, there are forces of darkness at work, but Trussoni’s characters are well crafted enough to be people, not just heroes.

The settings are lush with detail, the plot is faster than a speeding locomotive, and though I was thoroughly prepared to dismiss this book as a sort of low-rent Da Vinci Code, I was enthralled.

It’s not Great Art, it’s not Profound Literature – it is the best way to beguile an evening, or a plane ride — so much so, that you feel indignant when you look up and discover that it is 4 a.m. or that the airplane has landed and you must now stop reading and get off.

It comes out March 9th. Run out and buy a case or two for all your friends.

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